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Remembering our Founder and Mentor Jack Taylor

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7/28/1932 - 3/31/2019

It is with profound sadness that we announce Safety Technology International’s founder and visionary, Jack Taylor, has passed. Taken ill at his home shortly after Christmas, Jack recently passed surrounded by his close family. This follows the passing of his dear wife of almost 60 years, Bernadine, in June 2016. Those of us who were fortunate to know and work with Jack have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor.

An entrepreneur and inventor, Jack was a family man at his core, and always had a gentle heart. He brightened a room with his smile, sense of humor, and hugs. Anyone who found themselves in his presence was made to feel important and respected. Born in Toronto, Ontario, and raised in Rugby, England, Jack proudly served in the Royal Air Force before moving to the United States, where he answered a call from a Detroit, Michigan school administrator who wanted to stop false fire alarms. Jack used his expertise in security systems to invent the original Stopper® protective cover, thus spurring the inception of STI, and revolutionizing the way establishments around the world manage their false fire alarms.

Jack and Bernadine owned Safety Technology International, Inc., which has remained family owned and operated for almost four decades under the care of Jack and his immediate family, whom he held so dear. Jack also valued and loved his extended STI family and affiliates, and made it known their dedication and hard work was appreciated. In his spare time, Jack enjoyed golfing, boating, and woodworking. He cherished summers at Sleepy Oaks in Au Gres, Michigan, and winters at Briny Breezes, Florida with his beloved Briny family. He was a longtime member of Rotary International and lived on Lotus Lake in Michigan for over 60 years. Jack leaves behind a global legacy and will be greatly missed. No words can adequately express our profound sadness at Jack’s passing, or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with and know such an inspiring and wonderful man. His spirit will forever be the foundation and future of STI.